Category Archives: Maps

Visit #6

Photo on 11-27-13 at 3.19 PM #2


Wednesday November 26, 2013


Today was one of the warmer days this week. It was still cold, but it wasn’t as windy as it has been. There has been a bit of snowfall in the past few days, but some of it has been melting a little. It was kind of overcast today.

9 hours, 22 min, 28 seconds

Today I saw some animal footprints on the ground, but the only animal I actually saw was a squirrel. There were lots of small animal prints, and there were some people and dogs at the woods today.

Here is my data from today…

Air temperature: 32°F

Water Temperature: 35.8°F

Water pH: 6

Visit #5

Photo on 11-14-13 at 3.01 PM

November 14, 2013

5:30 pm

It was pretty warm today, the temperature was at about 48°F. It was also sunny and a little bit windy.

The length of the day was 9hours, 48minutes, 55seconds.

I didn’t see many organisms today. The woods was kind of quiet. There were lots of leaves that had fallen from the trees, almost completely covering the ground. The trees themselves are almost bare.

Experiment Data:

Air temperature: 48°F

Water temperature: 43.6°F

Water pH: 6

Visit #4

Photo on 11-1-13 at 3.25 PM

October 31, 2013


It was pretty rainy today. Kinda cold, the temperature was at 62°F.

Day was 10hours 20min long.

I didn’t notice many organisms out today… it was rainy and wet, so anything that may have been there must have been keeping warm and dry someplace. There were lots of worms on the ground and the trees looked very colorful. Lots of yellows and reds today.


I did a part of my experiment today. My results from today were something like:

Air temperature: 62°F

Water Temperature: 50.6°F

Photo on 11-1-13 at 3.27 PM #2

Water pH:  6 (slightly more acidic than neutral)

Photo on 11-1-13 at 3.32 PM #4 Photo on 11-1-13 at 3.33 PM

Visit #3


October 15, 2013


7:00 pm

Was a little rainy, 60°F

Today was 11 hours, 3 minutes, 10 seconds long

I saw a squirrel or two running around today. The leaves on the trees have changed colors very much since the last time I was here. Lots of oranges and browns and reds and yellows. There were a few people there, but not many organisms that I could see. I heard some birds and I heard lots of cicada-like bugs.

Visit #2

Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 8.07.06 PM

September 30, 2013


sunny today, kind of windy


Day was 11h 46m 07s

I saw some dogs running around in the woods, and heard lots of insects in the trees.

Some of the trees are starting to change colors, and the sun is setting much earlier than it was a month ago. The temperature this weekend was very warm, but it’s likely to get colder soon with the changing season.